Here are few ways that explains you how to lose weight after delivery without dieting :
- By staying active : You can do strength training. After taking your doctor’s advice weight training can help you with rebuilding muscle and improving metabolism.

- Postnatal yoga : Yoga helps us with flexibility and stress reduction. You can start with light walking and gentle exercises.

- Good water intake : Main thing that is crucial for health is drinking plenty of water. Drinking lots of water can help with unneccesary snacking.

- Breastfeeding : Breastfeeding babies can help with fast weight loss because it burns calories and helps you shed pregnancy weight. It helps to release hormones that helps in shrinking uterus size.

- Stress management : Stress releasing activities like meditation and deep breathing. A stress hormone called cortisol is released due to high level of stress which increases our weight. Practice some light stretching and stress releasing exercises to manage stress.

- Sleep management : Get enough sleep to manage hormonal imbalances that can cause weight gain. Get enough rest while your baby sleeps.

- Mindful eating : Avoid snacking by paying attention to when you are truly hungry. Eat mindfully by having your food at fixed time.