Depression is a mental health condition that many people take in other way, it is the feeling that makes you feel extremely sad, empty, or hopeless for a long time. Depression is more than just feeling sad. It is a serious mental health condition that affects how you think, feel, and function in daily life.
You might lose interest in things you previously used to enjoy, feel tired all the time, everytime struggle to sleep or eat properly. You can also experience physical symptoms like fatigue.
Depression is a mental health condition that makes you feel extremely sad, empty, or hopeless for a long time. It is not only having a bad day but also it affects how you think, feel, in your daily life. You might lose interest in things you used to enjoy, feel tired all the time, struggle to sleep or eat properly, and have trouble concentrating.
Dr. Aaron T. Beck (Founder of Cognitive Therapy):
- “Depression is not just sadness. It’s a negative view of oneself, the world, and the future. The cognitive patterns that accompany depression are often distorted, leading individuals to perceive situations in a more hopeless and helpless light than they truly are.”
Depression is a real illness that can happen to anyone. The good news is that with the right support, making lifestyle changes, talking to a therapist, or taking medication if needed, it can be managed and treated. If you or someone you know is feeling to have depression or feeling like this best thing you can do is reach for help either professional or personal.
- Loss of interest in things you previously enjoyed : If you no more feel joy in your favourite activities or no more enjoy doing activities you like or once liked may be the cause is depression. You loved to do the things like going for a movie or having a coffee date with friends, suddenly you dont have the mood of doing these activities. So may be you are experiencing depression.
- Decreased energy, fatigue : Despite getting enough sleep sometimes you just feel all tired everytime. Sometimes not only emotional but physical stress can also be felt in depression. You could feel that everything around you is going too slow or just slowing down. You just feel that your energy is too low to do anything and get fatigue like feeling.
- Restlessness : You can feel all time irritated or restless while talking to your loved one, can feel super angry even when someone is talking in very polite language with you. You may unnecessary lash out at them dure to your irritation. You become very less tolerant towards what someone is saying. Having depression is exhausting for the mind and body.
- Persistent low mood : Sometimes, people with depression describe themselves as feeling numb. People feel like everything around them is not right and feel like very down everytime, they dont feel good or positive about anything. A person in depression always give emptional response to anything which is more towards negative side.
- Unable to sleep or Changes in Sleep Patterns : There are two types – insomnia or hypersomnia. In Insomnia you are unable to sleep like you wake up extremely early or is unable to sleep all through night. And in hypersomnia you sleep more than normal. Like you sleep 11 hours in night and still feel like you have not slept or feel very tired after sleeping. Both conditions warns the sign of depression.
- Changes in weight or appetite : Your weight can either go very high or very low. You will feel changes in your hunger patterns or you dont have any mood of eating or eat too much than usual. People either lose weight or gain weight due to depression.
- Feelings of worthlessness : People with depression often feel like there is no hope for good in future or that they are proper failures in their respective fields. These thoughts can be persistent. They only think negative towards everything.
- Difficulty in making decisions : You may forget some essential appointments or work-related tasks, and have trouble making even simple decisions. You may not be able to decide upon anything that what is right or wrong and you cannot think straight about any thing.
- Suicidal thoughts : You may lose your self worth and starting to think that you are not good in anything or try to harm yourself emotionally or physically. You can attempt to do suicide. If you experience this seek immediate professional help.
- Physical illness : Physical problems like pains in any part of body (headache,stomachaches,muscle pain or pain in leg or hand).
Click here to read more about depression. Click here to read about stress.
Dr. Daniel G. Amen (Brain Health Expert):
- “Depression is not just a psychological problem but also a brain issue. Neuroimaging studies show that the brain regions involved in mood regulation, like the prefrontal cortex, are often underactive in individuals with depression.”
Also read : easy habits to improve mental health.
Also read : top-10-symptoms-of-anxiety-and-stress
How to know the time to visit a doctor or what is the alarming sign after which you can seek professional help?
Simply if you are experiencing any above sign of depression or these signs is hampering your day to day life and your work or lifestyle then its time to get help regarding the same.
Nothing is important than your mental health so start giving priority to your mental health and book your appointment today!